
Fair Fat And Forty by BlossomFlowerGirl


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FAIR FAT AND FORTY: Never mess with a woman who can pull rank.
And remember .....
Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level

This Week's Choice

David Cassidy the teen idol and star of The Partridge Family has passed away at the age of 67. In tribute to him, this week's choice is I Think I Love You....

Monday 11 January 2010

Another Year Older

Always will I remember the words on a birthday card sent to me from Nana. I think I was around ten or so. It went -
Another year older
Well maybe that's true,
But another year nicer
Sounds a lot more like you.

And Mum making a comment about me not behaving myself and Nana hoped I would be better behaved the coming year! Funny what we remember isn't it? That card had beautiful girls (I thought them grown-up ladies) dressed in a crinoline with a matching parasol and the one on the front of the card had this most beautiful shade of blue. With little pink rosebuds and ribbons. There was one in green and I think another one - you saw them as you opened the card.

Well I'm a year older since yesterday, can't say that I've learnt an awful lot over the past 12 months. Do we really learn" I've often wondered about that - how can we learn from our mistakes when we keep on making them. Or perhaps we make them with more style and flair insted of gauche and clumsy?

So we had a good time yesterdy, an apple upside cake was made, the candles were lit and served with that expensive cream - you know the one I mean, the one that tastes delicious which we don't buy very often because
a) It'a too expensive, and
b) It has 48% fat!

But ohh... it sure does taste yumnmy!


wenn said...

happy birthday!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Thanks Wenn. It was a good day, I like it when all the kiddies come over and we get together.

Kate said...

Happy Birthday. I hope the cake was yummy

Kate xx

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Thanks Kate - the cake was delicious. As a family member said, you can always tell when a cake is good - everybody asks for seconds. There were two tiny little pieces left.I'm ashamedto say I had them the next day.

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